Dried Fig OverviewSizesFormationPhysical Specifications The cultivated fig (Ficus carica) has always been a very popular fruit in Anatolia, the motherland of fig, and then the desire towards fig was spread out to the Mediterranean region, Europe, Arabia, and Persia throughout…
Dried Fig
OverviewSizesFormationPhysical Specifications

The cultivated fig (Ficus carica) has always been a very popular fruit in Anatolia, the motherland of fig, and then the desire towards fig was spread out to the Mediterranean region, Europe, Arabia, and Persia throughout history.

Turkey is the biggest dried fig producer with a share of approximately 70% of world production. The western side of Turkey is very eligible for production. Especially Izmir, Odemis, Tire, Aydin, Germencik, and Ortaklar are the main cultivation sites.

There are two main groups, which are based on the size and formation, and four quality classes, which are extra, first, second and industrial class. Each formation style has a different name such as Natural, Lerida, Garland, Protoben, Pulled, Layer, and Baglama.

Size 1 Size 2 Size 3
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To be Size 1, maximum 40 piece of dried fig should be equal to or exceed 1 KG. To be Size 2, 41 – 45 piece of dried fig should be equal to or exceed 1 KG. To be Size 3, 46 – 50 piece of dried fig should be equal to or exceed 1 KG.
Size 4 Size 5 Size 6
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To be Size 4, 51 – 55 piece of dried fig should be equal to or exceed 1 KG. To be Size 5, 56 – 60 piece of dried fig should be equal to or exceed 1 KG. To be Size 6, 61 – 65 piece of dried fig should be equal to or exceed 1 KG.
Size 7 Size 8 Size 9
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To be Size 7, 66 – 70 piece of dried fig should be equal to or exceed 1 KG. To be Size 8, 71 – 80 piece of dried fig should be equal to or exceed 1 KG. To be Size 9, 81 – 100 piece of dried fig should be equal to or exceed 1 KG.
Size 10 Size 11
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To be Size 10, 101 – 120 piece of dried fig should be equal to or exceed 1 KG. To be Size 11, minimum 121 piece of dried fig should be equal to or exceed 1 KG.
Lerida Garland Pulled
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Protoben Layer Bağlama
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