Efes Tarım, was transformed from a small chickpea and nut shop to an important player in the local market by sustaining right investments and high quality production, aims to embody the expertize and quality by reaching the best in the dried fruits and nuts market for the last 60 years.
During the last years, its brand was re-designed not only to add a new service value to the sector but also to offer customized and boutique products in the lead of raisin, dried apricot, dried fig, and hazelnut.
Efes Tarım proposes the best quality price ratio while being the embassy of long term sustainable relationship and trust, which also lies beneath the family ethics, by using food safety, quality control, and efficiency management procedures during production.
We are not only a company, but an expert, liable, and passionately working family believing in the dried fruits sector, business ethics, and carrying kindness to our clients.